Al-Nasikh Dan Mansukh Perspektif Seseorang Yang Berguna Untuk Memaknai Permasalahan
The Al-Quran is a Muslim guideline that was revealed in Arabic through the prophet Muhammad Saw. Nasikh in the Ulumul Qur'an is defined as something that cancels, deletes, moves, so Mansukh means something that cancels, deletes and moves. Meanwhile, in terms of terminology, it means adopting Sharia law with Allah's commands or scriptures that come later from it. By knowing the existence of texts in the Qur'an, you will hone your faith in the miracles of the Qur'an that behind contradictions (even though there are no contradictions) Allah knows best what is best for His servants. In this article the author discusses Naskh in the Koran, namely; (1) Naskh and differences of opinion about it (2) scope and requirements of naskh (3) types of naskh and their wisdom. So in the process of excavating and deepening the holy book there are several things related to it, including in terms of nuzul al-Qur'an, asbab al-nuzul, jam' al-Qur'an wa tartibuhu, makkiyah and madaniyah suras, muhkam mutasyabih, nasikh and mansukh and many other sciences. so that the tafsir and ushul scholars made a limiting agreement regarding the terms of opinion regarding the acceptance or rejection of the possibility of a mansukh text in the Qur'an, including the establishment of principles for determining the existence of a mansukh text and the wisdom that exists regarding the existence of a mansukh text in verses that cannot be interpreted. Naskh with ra'y, ijtihad and interpretation without citing arguments and excavations
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