• Alfia Farah Yuliana Universitas Al Amien, Indonesia (UNIA, Sumenep)
  • Cici’ Insiyah Universitas Al Amien, Indonesia (UNIA, Sumenep)
Keywords: Effectiveness, Efficiency,Muamalat DIN,Smooth Transaction


The banking world has followed the era of digitalization. With the digital services provided to facilitate transactions in the form of non-cash payments. One of the banks that provides digital services is Bank Muamalat KCP Sumenep in the form of Muamalat DIN. Bank Muamalat seeks to follow the era of digitalization to smooth the transactions of its customers. A service has not been said to be effective if the digital service does not respond to customer needs due to customers who do not understand operating digital. Whereas in general the task of banking is to launch a transaction system. Digital services were launched to help customers to transact. This research is a qualitative type that uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Researchers used data collection procedures including observation, interviews and documentation. From the data collection procedure, then the researcher processes and analyzes to obtain data or information. The infoman in this study are 2 customers and 3 employees of Bank Muamalat KCP Sumenep. For data validity researchers use source triangulation. The results of this study state that the existence of Muamalat DIN services has been said to be effective in providing services for customers, this can be seen from the customer's understanding of the digital system and the features available at Muamalat DIN making it easier for customers to make transactions anywhere and anytime. Muamalat DIN service is also quite efficient to use.


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How to Cite
Farah Yuliana, A., & Insiyah, C. (2024). EFEKTIFITAS DAN EFESIENSI LAYANAN DIGITAL MELALUI MUAMALAT DIN PADA KELANCARAN TRANSAKSI KEUANGAN NASABAH DI BANK MUAMALAT KCP SUMENEP. Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Islam, 22(03), 169-180. https://doi.org/10.36835/jipi.v24i03.4226