Aktualisasi Reward And Punishment Dalam Meningkatkan Pretasi Dan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran PAI (Di Lembaga Pendidikan Najmul Falah)
This study aims to examine the implementation of reward and punishment methods in enhancing student achievement and learning motivation in Islamic Education (PAI) at Najmul Falah Educational Institution. The reward and punishment approach is considered effective in creating a conducive learning environment and motivating students to engage actively in the learning process. In this framework, students who demonstrate good performance receive rewards, while those who violate rules face educational consequences. This research employs a qualitative method, utilizing observations, interviews, and document analysis for data collection. The findings indicate that the application of reward and punishment not only improves students' academic performance but also fosters a higher level of enthusiasm and motivation for learning. The implications of this study can serve as a reference for educators in designing more effective teaching strategies, thereby maximizing students' potential in studying PAI.
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