This study explores the concept of secondary education based on the thoughts of Ibn Khaldun and its relevance to implementation at SMAN 3 Bukittinggi. Ibn Khaldun was a Muslim scholar and philosopher who emphasized the importance of holistic education, integrating intellectual, spiritual, and social aspects. According to him, education should not only focus on acquiring knowledge but also on the development of moral character and practical skills that can be applied in everyday life. Using a qualitative approach, this research examines how the educational concepts proposed by Ibn Khaldun can be applied in modern educational systems, particularly in secondary schools like SMAN 3 Bukittinggi. The findings reveal that SMAN 3 Bukittinggi has implemented an educational approach aligned with Ibn Khaldun's views. The school's curriculum includes religious and ethical studies to develop students' character, as well as science and social studies that encourage the mastery of scientific knowledge. Additionally, extracurricular activities such as leadership programs, debates, and social projects allow students to develop relevant practical skills. Approach integrating intellectual, spiritual, and social aspects has had a positive impact on student development, both academically and personally. Further discussion reveals that the application of Ibn Khaldun's educational concepts in secondary schools like SMAN 3 Bukittinggi has the potential to create a generation of young people who are not only academically intelligent but also have good character and strong social skills. Therefore, this holistic educational approach is expected to serve as a model for other schools in developing a more balanced and comprehensive curriculum, which can shape students who are prepared to face the challenges of the modern world with critical thinking, creativity, and ethics
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Copyright (c) 2024 Kurnia Mira Lestari, Silfia Hanani, Ramadhoni Aulia Gusli

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