Analysis of Dhaif Hadith on Practicing in Daily Life
This study analyzes the position and impact of using hadith dhaif in the daily lives of Muslims, especially in the aspects of morality and spirituality. Dhaif hadiths, despite their sanad or matan weaknesses, are often used to strengthen the virtues of practice (fadha'il a'mal) and shape the character of Muslims with noble morals. This study uses a library research method with a descriptive approach, utilizing classical and contemporary literature. The results show that da'eef hadith can be an additional motivation for sunnah worship and the enhancement of social values such as compassion and solidarity, as long as its use is limited to non-belief aspects and sharia law. However, careless use risks leading to misunderstanding or the practice of heresy. Education and guidance from scholars are needed so that people understand the limitations and positive values of hadith dhaif without deviating from the basic principles of Islam. This study concludes that hadith dhaif has relevance in enhancing personal and social piety, but requires caution and correct guidance. With a good understanding, hadith dhaif can be an effective moral education tool without obscuring the essence of Islamic teachings.
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