Efektivitas pengawasan guru pendidikan agama islam Di SMPN 2 karawang barat
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of PAI supervision at the Junior High School level in West Karawang District, Karawang Regency, including (1) Implementation of PAI teacher supervision (2) Factors that influence the effectiveness of supervision (3) effective PAI teacher supervision strategies. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with data collection techniques through interviews, observations, and documentation. The subjects of the study consisted of the principal, PAI teachers, and students. The results of the study indicate that although time constraints are a challenge, supervision carried out by the school can still run effectively with some adjustments. The use of technology in supervision, as well as providing autonomy to teachers in developing learning strategies, are the main solutions to overcome time constraints. In addition, collaboration between teachers and schools in designing more flexible learning plans also contributes to improving the quality of teaching. In conclusion, PAI teacher supervision at SMPN 2 West Karawang remains effective despite time constraints, provided that there is innovation in supervision methods and good communication between the parties involved.
Keywords: supervision, Islamic Religious Education teachers, time constraints, and effectiveness
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Copyright (c) 2024 Lily Sosiowati , Hami Faqihah , Juanita Diana , Lulu Nur Labibah, Hinggil Permana

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