The procurement of educational facilities and infrastructure is the activity of providing all types of facilities and infrastructure as needed so that learning activities can run effectively and efficiently in accordance with the set goals. According to Rusydi, alternative procedures in the procurement of educational facilities and infrastructure in schools are purchase, manufacture or production by themselves, receipt of grants or assistance, rental, loan, recycling, exchange, and repair or reconditioning. The stages of procurement of educational facilities and infrastructure in schools generally go through the following procedures: Analyzing the needs and functions of facilities and infrastructure, Classifying the facilities and infrastructure needed, Making proposals for the procurement of facilities and infrastructure addressed to the government for public schools and foundations for private schools, If approved, it will be reviewed and assessed as feasible to get approval from the parties After being visited and approved, the facilities and infrastructure will be sent to the school that submits an application for the procurement of these facilities and infrastructure.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Qomaruddin Qomaruddin, Nur Fatih Ahmad, Muhammad Mahbub

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