Perancangan Media Pembelajaran IPAS Kelas V Berbasis Quiz Menggunakan Aplikasi Wordwall di SDN 03 Pakan Labuah
Learning media are components used to convey information that students need in learning activities in class, including the Wordwall application which is used to create quizzes on the IPAS subject. Mapel IPAS is a combination of IPA and IPS. When making quizzes, teachers still use paper and the process is still rigid, which causes boredom and anxiety among students. This causes low student quiz scores. The aim of this research is to create a quiz-based social science learning media design for class V with the Wordwall application at SDN 03 Pakan Labuah. The type of research applied to this study is Research and Development (R&D) with the Hannafin and Peck type of study including three main stages: needs evaluation, design, and development and implementation processes. Product tests in this research include validity tests, effectiveness tests and practicality tests. The results of the science learning media research indicated that the validity test value reached an average of 0.84, which is classified as valid. The practicality test obtained an average of 0.84, which is considered very practical. The effectiveness test shows an average value of 0.44, which is included in the effective category. Based on the results of testing this learning media product, IPAS class V is quiz-based using the wordwall application
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Copyright (c) 2024 Laila Arbanisa, Gusnita Darmawati, Firdaus Annas, Yulifda Elin Yuspita

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