Menjaga Privasi Klien: Studi Literatur tentang Azas Kerahasiaan dalam Konseling Individual di Sekolah

  • Kanaya Yose Putri Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Yarmis Syukur Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Dina Sukma Universitas Negeri Padang
Keywords: Azas Kerahasiaan; Konseling Individual; Sekolah


This study aims to understand how the principle of confidentiality in individual counseling services can build trust between school counselors and students, as well as its impact on the success of the individual counseling process in schools. The method used in this research is a literature review, aimed at explaining an issue or phenomenon based on various research articles and several books. The findings indicate that the principle of confidentiality plays a crucial role in fostering trust and supporting the success of the individual counseling process in schools. Individual counseling is a service within guidance and counseling that allows students to receive direct assistance through face-to-face meetings with school counselors. The goal is to discuss and address personal issues faced by the students. Anything shared or discussed by the student with the counselor must not be disclosed to unauthorized individuals. This confidentiality creates a sense of security for students, as they know that the personal issues or information they share will not be spread or known by others. When students feel their personal problems are safe and protected, they are more likely to open up, enabling counselors to understand their issues more deeply.


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How to Cite
Yose Putri, K., Syukur, Y., & Sukma, D. (2024). Menjaga Privasi Klien: Studi Literatur tentang Azas Kerahasiaan dalam Konseling Individual di Sekolah. Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Islam, 22(4), 201-207.