• M. Fadlil Auliya Al-ulum Universitas Islam Negeri Malulana Malik Ibrahim, Malang
  • Kaila Cahya Trivina Puteri Universitas Islam Negeri Malulana Malik Ibrahim, Malang
  • Nahla Fauziah Putri Ramadhani Universitas Islam Negeri Malulana Malik Ibrahim, Malang
  • Umar Al Faruq Universitas Islam Negeri Malulana Malik Ibrahim, Malang
Keywords: Pre-Islamic Arabia, Byzantine Empire, Persian Empire, Islamic Civilization, Cultural Interaction.


This paper examines world civilizations before the advent of Islam, focusing on the social, cultural, political, and religious conditions in Pre-Islamic Arabia, the Byzantine Empire, and the Persian Empire. The analysis begins by exploring the unique cultural characteristics and dual nature of Pre-Islamic Arabian society, highlighting both its positive and negative traits, which influenced the rise of Islam. The Byzantine Empire, through cultural and political interactions, significantly contributed to Islamic civilization, particularly in the transmission of Greco-Roman knowledge. Meanwhile, the Persian Empire, with its organized governance and rich culture, stood as one of the great civilizations shaping the Islamic world. This paper emphasizes cross-civilizational interactions and their impact on the development of Islam and its influence in the modern era


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How to Cite
Auliya Al-ulum, M. F., Trivina Puteri, K. C., Putri Ramadhani, N. F., & Al Faruq, U. (2024). PERADABAN DUNIA SEBELUM ISLAM (ARAB JAHILIYAH, ROMAWI TIMUR, DAN PERSIA). Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Islam, 22(4), 418- 423.