Ilmu Pendidikan Islam2025-03-09T03:56:21+00:00Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Islamjipiiaiqgresik@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p>Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Islam diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Tarbiyah Universitas Qomaruddin . Terbit tiga kali dalam setahun setiap bulan Juni, oktober dan Desember.</p> <p><strong>JIPI</strong> memuat kajian ilmiah tentang pendidikan, pemikiran pendidikan Islam, Politik Pendidikan Islam dan manajemen pendidikan Islam dalam bentuk hasil penelitian, kajian analitis-kritis, konseptual dan kajian kepustakaan.</p> MANAJEMEN MUTU TERPADU DALAM PENINGKATAN MUTU LULUSAN DI MAN 4 AGAM2025-03-01T01:02:32+00:00Naharuddin Naharuddinnaharuddin4592@gmail.comZulfani<p>Manajemen Mutu Terpadu (Total Quality Management/TQM) dalam meningkatkan mutu lulusan di MAN 4 Agam. Pendekatan TQM diterapkan untuk menciptakan sistem pendidikan yang holistik, terintegrasi, dan berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Fokus utama penelitian adalah pada strategi peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran, pengembangan karakter Islami, serta tantangan dan keberhasilan implementasi TQM. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan TQM di MAN 4 Agam berfokus pada penguatan kurikulum berbasis nilai-nilai keislaman, pelatihan guru untuk meningkatkan kompetensi pedagogik dan teknologi, serta penerapan metode pembelajaran inovatif. Selain itu, pembiasaan program keagamaan seperti tahfidz Al-Qur'an, halaqah pagi, dan ibadah berjamaah telah berkontribusi pada pembentukan karakter Islami siswa. Namun, implementasi TQM di MAN 4 Agam juga menghadapi tantangan, seperti keterbatasan anggaran, resistensi terhadap perubahan, dan kurangnya keterlibatan orang tua. Meski demikian, evaluasi berkelanjutan dan dukungan dari berbagai pihak telah membantu mengatasi kendala tersebut. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa TQM efektif dalam meningkatkan mutu lulusan secara akademik dan karakter, serta dapat menjadi model bagi institusi pendidikan lainnya.</p>2025-02-28T19:23:41+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Naharuddin Naharuddin, Zulfani Sesmiarni dan Permasalahan Sosial dalam Perkembangan Teknologi Informasi di Kalangan Siswa Generasi Z2025-03-01T01:23:04+00:00Kanaya Yose<p>Phubbing is a term to describe the behavior of someone who focuses on their smartphone when interacting with other people, thereby avoiding direct communication. This study aims to describe the development of technology and phubbing along with the social problems that arise among generation Z students. This research uses a qualitative approach to describe the actual situation of the phenomenon under study so that objective data is obtained. Data collection methods are observation and interviews. The research results show that phubbing behavior among students is characterized by dependence on smartphones, ignoring social interactions, and preferring digital activities to direct communication with friends. Apart from that, social problems that arise include reduced opportunities for interaction, increased tendencies to be alone, social death, an attitude of not caring about the environment, and a change in role from phubee to phubber. So it can be concluded that technological developments have also triggered the emergence of phubbing behavior and various social problems.</p>2025-03-01T01:21:25+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Kanaya Yose Putri, Firman Firman, Netrawati Netrawati Meningkatkan Kemampuan Perilaku Prososial Pada Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun Melalui Permainan Rubber Band Relay Di TKQ Miftahul Hidayah2025-03-01T04:04:01+00:00Ely Safitriellysafitri1812@gmail.comRina Siti<p>Prosocial behavior is the basis of development that children must have, forms of prosocial behavior that must be instilled from early childhood, namely sharing, cooperation and empathy. This research aims to determine the prosocial behavior of children aged 5-6 years at TKQ Miftahul Hidayah. This classroom action research method uses the Kemmis and Mc Taggart model which is carried out in two cycles. The first cycle involved 6 meetings, while the second cycle only involved 5 meetings. This research involved 16 children, consisting of 9 boys and 7 girls. The data collection method in this study involved observing children's abilities in increasing prosocial behavior, observing teacher and student activities and recording the findings. In this research, the data analysis method involves the use of descriptive qualitative techniques along with basic statistical calculations. This research shows that using the rubber band relay game can improve children's prosocial behavior. In the first cycle, 57.28% of children were able to share, cooperate, help and empathize. In the second cycle, it showed an increase of 90,81%. So, using the rubber band relay game method, it can help improve children's prosocial behavior.</p>2025-03-01T04:02:52+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ely Safitri, Rina Syafrida, Dewi Siti Aisyah of Educational Management Science: The Essence of Scientific Truth2025-03-01T04:54:21+00:00Fitria<p>Basically, humans have a natural tendency to think; the purpose of this process is to produce knowledge and truth. Knowledge helps answer questions and problems faced by humans. Thus, science is needed to answer the challenges faced by humans. Thus, the author will examine the nature of truth, the criteria for scientific truth: types and characteristics, Furthermore, the method for finding scientific truth in the field of Islamic education management. This paper closes by concluding the problem. The method used is qualitative and uses a library research approach. This research was conducted by collecting a number of data and information from the results of the literature, and then presenting new findings. The results of the study indicate that truth is an important aspect in the search for accurate and valid knowledge. The concept of truth is often identified as the correspondence between a statement or belief with objective reality, but other philosophical approaches also recognize truth through coherence, consensus, and pragmatism. Scientific truth has characteristics that are closely related to the scientific method. Scientific knowledge is tentative and can be revised as human understanding develops. The criteria for scientific truth often involve aspects such as logical rationality, empirical content, and can be applied pragmatically</p>2025-03-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Fitria Gusnita, Mella Annisa, Mamy Triana, Ardimen Ardimen, Zulfadwal Zulfadwal KEPALA MADRASAH DALAM MENINGKATKAN MOTIVASI GURU DI MTs YAPERI CIBINONG BOGOR2025-03-01T08:12:40+00:00Ibadurrahman Al-Khatibibadurrahman39@gmail.comMuhamad Aqil<table width="616"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="451"> <p>The quality of education is highly determined by the learning process in schools and madrasas. School principals and teachers are the main movers who play an important role in the student learning process. The leadership of madrasah principals can be an important aspect in improving the quality of education. The leadership role of the principal aims to improve teacher performance and motivation through training, awarding, and role modeling. Teachers' motivation greatly affects their performance, quality, and ability. Competent and professional school principals with a high sense of responsibility are needed to realize better programs, strategies, and policies to maintain teacher motivation and performance. However, there are still some teachers who lose motivation, caused by various factors, thus affecting their discipline and performance. Therefore, the improvement and creativity of school principals in controlling teacher enthusiasm is very necessary.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>2025-03-01T08:09:34+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ibadurrahman Al-Khatib, Muhamad Aqil Ibatulloh OF ISLAMIC CHARACTER EDUCATION IN LEARNING AT MTS PANCASILA BENGKULU CITY2025-03-02T02:55:58+00:00Dian Jelitajelitadian5@gmail.comDelva sintia sintiaadelvaa@gmail.comNafa Puspitaraninafapuspitarani09@gmail.comRensi Fitriani Rensi Fitrianifitrianirensi0@gmail.comSiti<p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Pendidikan karakter Islami merupakan pilar penting dalam membentuk generasi berakhlak mulia sesuai ajaran Islam. Penelitian ini menganalisis implementasi pendidikan karakter Islami di MTs Pancasila Kota Bengkulu melalui tiga strategi utama: integrasi nilai Islami dalam pembelajaran, kegiatan ekstrakurikuler berbasis agama, dan pembiasaan sikap Islami. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa meskipun pendidikan karakter Islami berjalan efektif, terdapat tantangan seperti keterbatasan kompetensi guru, minimnya fasilitas, rendahnya keterlibatan orang tua, dan pengaruh teknologi negatif. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut, madrasah mengadakan pelatihan guru, meningkatkan fasilitas, memperkuat sinergi dengan orang tua, dan mengembangkan literasi digital Islami. Temuan ini diharapkan dapat menjadi acuan dalam pengembangan pendidikan karakter Islami di madrasah.</span></p>2025-03-02T02:55:03+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Dian Jelita, Delva sintia , Nafa Puspitarani, Rensi Fitriani Rensi Fitriani, Siti Nurjannah OF STUDENTS' DIGITAL LITERACY AT MTs PANCASILA BENGKULU CITY IN ACCESSING LEARNING RESOURCES2025-03-03T01:18:34+00:00Dian Jelitajelitadian5@gmail.comKarin Zahrazahrakarin41@gmail.comDewi Hariyantihariyantidewi2004@gmail.comAnnisa Suciliaannisasucilia2@gmail.comNeti<p>Advances in information and communication technology have brought significant changes to the world of education, creating new challenges for students in accessing and evaluating information. Digital literacy is the key to ensuring students are not only able to use technology, but also have the critical ability to sort and understand correct and relevant information. This research aims to analyze the level of digital literacy of students at MTs Pancasila, Bengkulu City and the factors that influence it. The research results show that although most students have basic skills in operating technology, they still have difficulty evaluating information critically and selecting valid and relevant information. Internal factors such as interest in learning and technology experience, as well as external factors such as the role of teachers, parents and technology infrastructure in schools play a role in shaping students' digital literacy levels. This research suggests integrating digital literacy skills in the curriculum and increasing support from teachers and parents to develop students' critical thinking skills in using technology.</p>2025-03-03T01:17:02+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Dian Jelita, Karin Zahra, Dewi Hariyanti, Annisa Sucilia, Neti Adella ROLE OF TEACHERS IN DEVELOPING STUDENTS' RELIGIOUS ATTITUDES THROUGH RELIGIOUS EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES AT MTS PANCASILA BENGKULU CITY2025-03-03T01:40:24+00:00Dian Jelitajelitadian5@gmail.comHermika Surmiya Watihermikakph@gmail.comAsri Serli<p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran guru dalam membentuk sikap religius siswa melalui kegiatan ekstrakurikuler keagamaan di MTs Pancasila Kota Bengkulu. Nilai-nilai religius sangat penting dalam membentuk karakter siswa agar memiliki moralitas yang baik, tidak hanya secara teoretis tetapi juga aplikatif dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif, melibatkan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi sebagai teknik pengumpulan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa guru berperan sebagai pembimbing, motivator, dan teladan dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler keagamaan. Kegiatan seperti pengajian, shalat berjamaah, dan pelatihan membaca Al-Qur’an berkontribusi signifikan terhadap peningkatan pemahaman agama siswa dan pembentukan karakter religius. Perubahan sikap siswa terlihat dari antusiasme mereka dalam mengikuti kegiatan serta perilaku positif yang mereka tunjukkan di lingkungan sekolah dan masyarakat. Faktor pendukung keberhasilan kegiatan ini meliputi kompetensi guru, dukungan sekolah, serta keterlibatan aktif siswa. Namun, beberapa kendala seperti keterbatasan waktu dan fasilitas masih menjadi tantangan. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan peningkatan pelatihan guru, pengadaan fasilitas, dan pengelolaan waktu yang lebih baik untuk mendukung keberlanjutan kegiatan ini.</p>2025-03-03T01:39:13+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Dian Jelita, Hermika Surmiya Wati, Asri Viandrayanti, Serli Serli EFFECTIVENESS OF IMPLEMENTING DINIYAH HOURS AT MI TERPADU MUTIARA ASSYIFA BENGKULU CITY IN FORMING STUDENTS' RELIGIOUS CHARACTER2025-03-03T01:59:30+00:00Hanura Febrianirahmatfrs193@gmail.comDhelvina Rahmadiantirahmadiantidhelvina@gmail.comMutiara Tanjungmutiaratanjung2101@gmail.comNurul Istiqomah Nurul<p>This research aims to determine the effectiveness of implementing Diniyah hours at MI Terpadu Mutiara Assyifa, Bengkulu City in forming students' religious character. A qualitative approach was used with descriptive methods to explore in-depth information related to the implementation of the Diniyah jam program. Data was collected through in-depth interviews with teachers, students and parents, direct observation of the implementation of activities, and analysis of related documents. The research results show that Diniyah hours make a significant contribution to the formation of students' religious character. This can be seen from increased discipline in worship, respectful attitudes towards teachers, honest behavior and students' social awareness. The success of the program is supported by careful planning, capable teacher competence, and active student participation. However, there are several obstacles such as limited implementation time and lack of optimal supporting facilities. This research concludes that the implementation of Diniyah hours is effective in shaping students' religious character, although efforts are still needed to improve in terms of implementation time, facilities and parental involvement. It is hoped that the results of this research can become a reference for developing better religious education programs in schools.</p>2025-03-03T01:58:17+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Hanura Febriani, Dhelvina Rahmadianti, Mutiara Tanjung, Nurul Istiqomah Nurul Istiqomah STUDY ON THE INFLUENCE OF FIELD IMPROVEMENTS ON STUDENTS' LEARNING MOTIVATION AT MI TERPADU MUTIARA ASSYIFA, BENGKULU CITY2025-03-03T02:17:37+00:00Hanura Febrianihanura.febriani@mail.uinfasbengkulu.acJuwita anggrainianggrainij42@gmail.comRika sri marisarikasrimarisarika337@gmail.comRahma<p>Learning motivation plays an important role in educational success, with physical facilities such as sports fields influencing students' motivation to participate in learning. This study aims to examine the effect of sports field improvements on students' learning motivation at MI Terpadu Mutiara Assyifa. A phenomenological approach was used to explore students' subjective experiences related to field improvements, which involved interviews, observations and students' reflective journals. The results showed that the field improvements, which included a more level surface and adequate supporting facilities, increased students' comfort and sense of security. These improvements not only affected students' motivation in sports activities, but also increased their motivation in academic learning. Students felt more enthusiastic to participate in learning after the field improvements, and they gave positive meaning to the changes. This study confirms that good school facilities have a significant impact on students' intrinsic and extrinsic learning motivation and can support the achievement of holistic education goals.</p>2025-03-03T02:16:31+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Hanura Febriani, Juwita anggraini, Rika sri marisa, Rahma Ulandari EFFECTIVENESS OF TAHFIDZUL QUR'AN LEARNING METHODS IN IMPROVING STUDENTS' MEMORYMENT AT MI TERPADU MUTIARA ASSYIFA, BENGKULU CITY2025-03-06T04:38:40+00:00Hanura Febrianihanura.febriani@mail.uinfasbengkulu.acEka Puspa Dewiekapuspadewi912@gmail.comSapitriani Sapitrianianisapitri128@gmail.comNadia Rafika<p>Tahfidzul Qur'an learning at MI Integrated Mutiara Assyifa, Bengkulu City aims to instill a love of the Qur'an and improve students' memorization. This research analyzes the effectiveness of the Tahfidz method as well as its supporting and inhibiting factors. Using a descriptive qualitative approach, data was collected through observation, interviews and documentation. The research results show that the talaqqi, tikrar, and muroja'ah methods are effective in strengthening memorization. Supporting factors include the role of teachers, a conducive environment, and parental support, while the main obstacles are limited time and student consistency. This research is expected to help educators develop more optimal Tahfidz strategies.</p>2025-03-06T04:35:52+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Hanura Febriani, Eka Puspa Dewi, Sapitriani Sapitriani, Nadia Rafika Ayu ROLE OF TEMANTIK PLP IN FORMING THE PEDAGOGICAL CAPABILITY OF EDUCATION STUDENTS AT MI PLUS JA-ALHAQ BENGKULU CITY2025-03-07T04:28:43+00:00Hidayaturrahman Linda Sarimaiyalindasari5101@gmail.comHaili Sentarihailisentari@gmail.comSiti Habibatul 'Ainisitihabiba304@gmail.comHerma<p>Education is a fundamental aspect in forming quality human resources. In the context of teacher education, pedagogical mastery is the main element that must be mastered by prospective educators. Temantik's Introduction to Schooling Field Program (PLP) exists as an effort to provide students with direct experience in applying the educational theories they have learned in college. This research aims to analyze how Temantik PLP contributes to shaping students' pedagogical abilities, especially in applying theory into practice, developing teaching strategies, and effective classroom management. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. Data was collected through direct observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation studies at MI Plus Ja-alhaq, Bengkulu City. The data analysis technique was carried out using the Miles and Huberman interactive model which includes data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. Data validity is maintained through triangulation of sources and methods. The research results show that Temantik PLP has a significant impact in improving students' pedagogical skills. Students are able to implement theory into learning practice, develop technology-based and interactive teaching strategies, and manage the class better. Apart from that, direct experience in the school environment also enriches students' understanding of the social and cultural dynamics that influence the learning process. It is hoped that this research can contribute to the development of teacher education models that are more effective in improving the quality of prospective educators.</p>2025-03-07T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Hidayaturrahman Hidayaturrahman, Maiya Linda Sari, Haili Sentari, Siti Habibatul 'Aini, Herma Herma OF EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS IN MADRASAH IBTIDAIYAH BENGKULU CITY: IMPACT ON STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT2025-03-07T04:40:20+00:00M. Puspita Saridewisary13@gmail.comSri Sugita Styo Watisrisugita7@gmail.comDella Fusvitadellafusvita2505@gmail.comYena<p>This research aims to evaluate the educational program implemented at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Bengkulu City and analyze its impact on student achievement. Using a quantitative approach, this research analyzes data collected through questionnaires given to students and teachers as well as interviews with madrasa heads. The research results show that the educational program implemented at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Bengkulu City has had a positive impact on increasing student achievement. However, several problems, such as limited facilities, still need to be improved to support better quality education. This research suggests that local governments and madrasas improve the quality of teacher training and educational facilities.</p>2025-03-07T04:39:31+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 M. Hidayaturrahman, Dewi Puspita Sari, Sri Sugita Styo Wati, Della Fusvita, Yena Mardiani STRATEGIES FOR ISLAMIC RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (PAI) BASED ON THEMATIC LEARNING IN SMA 5 BENGKULU CITY: A STUDY ON THE THEMATIC PLP PROGRAM FOR GROUP 732025-03-07T06:48:30+00:00Samsudin Samsudinsamsudinsukur66@gmail.comIkhsan Tri Hartantoikhsanhartanto07@gmail.comNadiya Stefhany Aswandinadiya28204@gmail.comSabillah Nur Fadillahsabillah.fdh07@gmail.comAzi Wahyudaaziwahyuda2408@gmail.comAlya<p>Islamic Religious Education (PAI) learning at SMA 5 Bengkulu City applies a thematic strategy to link Islamic teachings with students' daily lives. This study analyzes teaching strategies, obstacles, and the impact of thematic learning. The research results show that the strategy of integrating religious values, discussions and projects increases students' understanding in cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects. The main obstacles include a lack of teacher understanding, limited facilities, and student resistance. Teacher training, improved facilities and more interesting strategies are needed for effective learning.</p>2025-03-07T06:47:25+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Samsudin Samsudin, Ikhsan Tri Hartanto, Nadiya Stefhany Aswandi, Sabillah Nur Fadillah, Azi Wahyuda, Alya Yuliani USE OF DIGITAL QUIZZ IN INCREASING STUDENTS' LEARNING ENTHUSIASM AT SMA NEGERI 3 BENGKULU CITY2025-03-09T03:28:08+00:00M. Arif Rahman Puspitasaridestipuspitasari32@gmail.comMeta Natasya Putrimetarita91@gmail.comIndah Setyanidestipuspitasari32@gmail.comMeli<p>The use of digital quizzes in learning at SMA Negeri 3 Bengkulu City has had a positive impact on student enthusiasm and understanding. Gamification and interactivity elements in digital quizzes increase student engagement, make the material more interesting, and accelerate understanding of the concepts being taught. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method with data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. The research results show that digital quizzes increase students' learning motivation and help them remember the material more easily. However, there are several obstacles in implementation, such as limited access to digital devices and unstable internet connections. In addition, some teachers experience difficulties in integrating technology in learning. Therefore, strategies are needed such as providing digital devices, increasing internet access, and ongoing teacher training. With adequate support, the use of digital quizzes can continue to be developed to improve the quality of learning in schools.</p>2025-03-09T03:26:51+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 M. Arif Rahman Hakim, Desti Puspitasari, Meta Natasya Putri, Indah Setyani, Meli Lestari OF USE OF DIGITAL LEARNING MEDIA IN THE CLASS: A STUDY AT SMA N 6 CENTRAL BENGKULU2025-03-09T03:56:21+00:00Falahun Ni' Ramea Astrititaramera@gmail.comRiski Amaliahriskiamelia0708bkl@gmail.comMuhamad Fadli Dwi Setia Anugrahmuhammadfadlianugrah69@gmail.comAhmad<p>The development of information and communication technology has driven transformation in the world of education, including digitalization in learning. This research explores the application of digital learning media at SMA N 6 Central Bengkulu, its impact on students, and the challenges in its implementation. The method used is descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques through observation, interviews and document analysis. The research results show that the use of digital media, such as PowerPoint, learning videos and online platforms, can increase student motivation and understanding. However, there are challenges such as limited infrastructure, lack of teacher training, and student distraction in using technology. To optimize digital learning, strategies are needed that include increasing teacher skills in technology, strengthening school infrastructure, and implementing interactive learning methods. With the right approach, digital media can increase the effectiveness of the teaching and learning process and prepare students to face the digital era.</p>2025-03-09T03:55:15+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Falahun Ni'am, Tita Ramea Astri, Riski Amaliah, Muhamad Fadli Dwi Setia Anugrah, Ahmad Ilham