Implementasi Manajemen Peserta Didik Dalam Rangka Pelayanan Publik di SMAN 3 Karawang
This study was conducted as an effort to determine the process of learner management that is realized in public services at SMAN 3 Karawang, which has the characteristic of prioritizing religious values and noble morals. The purpose of this study was to determine the process of learner management in an effort to improve the discipline of students of SMAN 3 Karawang. The research method used is qualitative research method, which aims to collect field data about phenomena that occur thoroughly, and then use in-depth analysis of the results found. The results showed that the process of student management at SMAN 3 Karawang is certainly different from the process of student management in public schools, although there are similarities but it will not be too similar and has its own characteristics. Based on the observation, the management of learners in the framework of public services to learners applied at SMAN 3 Karawang is in accordance with the standards of learner management in general but has certain characteristics.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Defi Tri Mulyani, Ilham Fahmi, Muhamad Faizin

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