Prinsip Kepemilikan Harta dalam Agama Islam

  • Mohammad Sholih Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi Syariah
Keywords: Concept of Property and Ownership


Most of mankind pursues and chooses the world even though the hereafter is better and more eternal. Islam does not recognize the existence of absolute freedom of ownership because basically every human behavior must be within the framework of sharia, including economic problems. The essence of human ownership lies in having its benefits and not absolute control over economic resources. Ownership is limited to the entire life span of his life in this world, and when that person dies, the right of ownership of an item will pass to his heirs according to Islamic provisions. Individual ownership is not allowed on economic resources that are in the public interest or concerning the livelihoods of many people. The problem is how someone in an effort to obtain wealth and then use it is always in harmony with the rules that have been outlined in Islam. For this reason, this article intends to describe the Concept of Ownership, Utilization of Ownership, and Distribution of Wealth among Humans based on maqosidus shari'ah.  
