Penerapan Konsep Pelayanan Prima terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan ditinjau dari Prespektif Ekonomi Syari’ah

  • Mohammad Mashur Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi Syariah
Keywords: Excellent Service, Excellent Service Concept, Sharia Economic Perspective


Excellent Service is the ability of a company or store to provide services that can provide satisfaction toconsumers.Service according to islam is a must in a service whose operation is in accordance with sharia principles. Five dimensions to realize the concept of exellent service from the perspective of sharia economics, namely: 1. Reseponse 2. Releability 3. Assurance 4. Attention (Emphaty) anf 5. Physical Ability (Tangible). This study was conducted in order to explain how the concept that exists in Barokahmart Stores and how the concept of excellent service is viewed from a sharia economic perspective, using Rianto’s theory in his book entitled “Marketing Fundamentals†in 2012. The study uses qualitative methods from Miles, Huberman, and Saldana, in his book “Qualitative Data Analysis† in 2014, data obtained from interviews, observation, and documentation werw then analyzed using datacollection analysis techniques, data condencation, data presentation and verification or withdrawal, conclusion. The gindings in this study are that the cocept of exellent service at the Barokahmart store has not been significant whit five main points of excellent service including ability, attitude, appearance,. Attention , and action so that customers are notsatisfied.
