Mengaplikasikan Akad Syirkah untuk Meningkatkan Usaha Kecil Menengah Kerupuk di Desa Petung Panceng Gresik

  • Mohammad Nasikhan LPPM STESFA
Keywords: Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Cooperation, Islamic Economics.


This research is a field research by taking the research location in the village of Petung Panceng Gresik. The theory used is the application of syirkah contracts in increasing Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and the concept of welfare. The research data obtained through the method using a qualitative descriptive approach, while the data collection techniques used were interviews and documentation.

The results of the analysis and the findings of the researcher conclude that SMEs have a very positive influence on existing cooperation in business, such as obtaining income so that they can meet daily needs, the home environment is better than before, education is still a little lacking due to economic factors that have not been developed yet. adequate and better health because it can meet the needs in terms of treatment
