Peranan KSPPS Al Fitroh dalam Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat di Tinjau dari Ekonomi Islam (Studi Kasus KSPPS Al Fitroh Dukun Gresik)

  • Mohammad Mashur Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi Syariah
Keywords: Economic System, Al Fitroh, KSPPS, Islamic Economics


The Indonesian economic system is known to have three pillars that support the economy, namely the three pillars are State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), Private-Owned Enterprises (BUMS) and Cooperatives. Cooperatives in Indonesia function as the lifeblood of the Indonesian economy. Al Fitroh Sharia Savings and Loans Cooperative (KSPPS Al Fitroh) is one of the cooperatives located in Lowayu Dukun Gresik Village, which provides and provides savings and loan and financing services in accordance with sharia principles. KSPPS Al Fitroh in terms of Islamic economics has fulfilled and can be justified because in practice it follows the religion of Islam and helps brothers in need in accordance with the teachings of Islam which is rahmatan lilalamin, because in the process of helping it in the form of providing financing it is very easy and does not contain harmful elements and is prohibited by Islam. . The type of research that the researcher uses is qualitative research. Qualitative research is descriptive research and tends to use an inductive approach to analysis.
