Pengembangan Ekonomi Berbasis Syariah di Era Globalisasi

  • Moh. Midkhol Huda Khoir Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi Syariah


Since the passage of economic development related to sharia-based economy, it cannot be separated from the perspective of the Qur'an and Hadith. Because lately, if we are not careful about our financial transactions, then it is likely that we will fall into transactions that are far from Islamic religious norms. The Islamic economy itself has actually been formed since Islam itself was born, but if it is not handled seriously, the Islamic economy will be destroyed by the conventional economic system. In the era of globalization there is a tendency in economic development to pay more attention to ethics in economic activities. In this paper, more will be revealed about the trend of globalization and economic development as well as revealing the opportunities and challenges in sharia economic development in the context of the era of global economic development.
