Implementasi Pembayaran Hutang-Piutang Emas di Desa Bangeran Dukun Gresik dalam Tinjauan Fiqih Muamalah

  • Mohammad Nasikhan Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi Syariah
Keywords: Debts, Payment, Accounts Payable, Gold, and Fiqh Muamalah


Gold has been known in various human civilizations and is used for various purposes, among which the most common are jewelry, in the form of gold coins, the electronics industry. In some cases it was found that the payment of gold debts using conditional money, someone who owes gold can be paid at the price at the price of gold when it occurs, but if it cannot be repaid at the time determined, the debtor must pay the interest determined by the owner of the gold. This type of research is a field research sourced from various kinds of literature related to the implementation of payments on gold debt in the review of muamalah fiqh. Several reference sources in this study such as books, magazines and other sources that are considered relevant.
