Strategi Pemasaran Distributor Wingko Leo Lan Ing dalam Menghadapi Persaingan Bisnis Perspektif Etika Bisnis Islam

  • Tamim Ashar LPPM STESFA


Traditional food or typical snacks are no longer a trivial business. Although in general traditional food or typical snacks are known as old-fashioned and cheap snacks, in the era of global business competition, traditional food is considered to have profitable prospects. Like the typical snacks of Wingko Babat produced by the Loe Lan Ing Factory which is one of the Legendary shops in Babat District, Lamongan Regency. And being in the spotlight of competition between factory businessmen. In a business, a business marketing strategy is needed, especially in the typical snacks of Wingko Babat Loe Lan Ing Factory because from here we can determine a good marketing strategy.

By conducting an analysis on the Wingko Loe Lan Ing Factory which was assessed from a business feasibility study seen from several aspects, namely legal aspects, market and marketing aspects, financial aspects, technical/operational aspects, management and organizational aspects, economic and social aspects, and analytical aspects. environmental impact. So from all these aspects that will determine whether the business is feasible or not.
