ظاهرة ا لخليط اللغوي في اللغة العربية المنطوقة بمعهد نور الحرمين نهضة الوطن للبنين نرمادى لومبوك الغربية

ظاهرة ا لخليط اللغوي في اللغة العربية المنطوقة بمعهد نور الحرمين نهضة الوطن للبنين نرمادى لومبوك الغربية

  • muhammad anshari muhammad takwin UIN MATARAM
Kata Kunci: Keywords: Code Mixing, spoken Arabic


  Abstrack Pondok Pesantren Nurul Haramain is an educational institution that uses Arabic as the language of communication and education, especially in Islamic religious subjects. For this reason, students are required to master these four skills, especially speaking, communicating and understanding skills. learning. The aim of all this is the ability of students to communicate with others and understand the lessons conveyed by the teacher or speaker, and to improve speaking skills. At the beginning of the establishment of this cottage, the Arabic language environment improved to a certain level, but after several years of establishment and the Nurul Haramain Islamic boarding school experienced a significant increase in the number of students, linguistic phenomena began to appear and subsequently affected the language quality of the students themselves and the quality of the students. achievement of students' academic scores. One of the linguistic phenomena that occurs at Pondok Pesantren Nurul Haramain Nw Putra Narmada is what is called "Code Mixing" or Code Mixing, which is when a bilingual or multilingualist speaker mixes two different codes in their spoken language. Based on this, the researcher wants to examine the possible causes for the emergence of this phenomenon and the formulas commonly used in the spoken language of santriwati and provide possible solutions to this. Because indeed this phenomenon is a common thing in a bilingual or multilingual society, but if this is allowed to happen without a concrete solution then it will become a problem for the progress of language development at the Nurul Haramain Islamic Boarding School Nw Putra Narmada. In this qualitative descriptive analysis, researchers used observation and interview methods to collect data for further processing with Interactive Analysis Techniques. The results showed that the 'Code Mixing' that occurred at the Nurul Haramain Nw Putra Islamic Boarding School indicated a decline in the quality of Arabic and English mastery of the students. The emergence of this phenomenon is caused, among others, by: the lack of opportunity to listen to fluent and respectful Arabic grammar, not being accustomed to using standard wording in sentences and the large number of language errors that spread, making it difficult to handle these language errors. And the type of Code Mixing that researchers found in this research is inner mixing-code   Keywords: Code Mixing, spoken Arabic
muhammad takwin, muhammad anshari. (2019). ظاهرة ا لخليط اللغوي في اللغة العربية المنطوقة بمعهد نور الحرمين نهضة الوطن للبنين نرمادى لومبوك الغربية : ظاهرة ا لخليط اللغوي في اللغة العربية المنطوقة بمعهد نور الحرمين نهضة الوطن للبنين نرمادى لومبوك الغربية . Moralitas : Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Studi Islam, 1(1), 49-60. Diambil dari https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/sasambo/index.php/Moralitas/article/view/4413

