Psychological Approach in Islamic Studies

  • Nurul Fauziah STAI AL AMIN DOMPU
Keywords: Approach, Psychology, Assessment, Islam


In social life, human life is influenced by behavior. Psychology is getting the biggest war in dealing with human behavior problems. as a scientific discipline, psychology is expected to be able to explain the existence of phenomena or problems of mankind, especially Muslims. For that, there needs to be an integration between psychology and Islam. Psychology and Islamic education have the same characteristics in seeing various cases in scientific buildings so that in Islamic studies such as Islamic education, an approach is needed to look at social phenomena more deeply, namely by using a psychological approach. This study aims to determine the psychological approach and Islamic education and how to approach psychology in the Islamic approach. Psychology as an approach can produce findings that are appropriate to the context. In Islamic studies, especially Islamic education can be accessible for other sciences to be used as a tool in seeing various social problems. This then happened with psychology and Islamic education because it gave birth to the psychology of Islamic education. The results in this study indicate that Islamic psychology refers to a concept that Islam is present by offering a more comprehensive discussion of human concepts. Humans are not only controlled by the past or the environment that surrounds them but can design the future and can control the environment.


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How to Cite
FAUZIAH, N. Psychological Approach in Islamic Studies. AL-FURQAN, v. 9, n. 1, p. 23-34, 30 Sep. 2020.

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