• wawan mulyadi purnama iaih nw lombok timur
Keywords: bahasa tabu dan tradisi masyarakat lombok di desa geres


The background of this research is based on how many people in Geres Village still use taboo language to communicate in daily life. The formula of problem of this research was how the shapes of Taboo Language used in oral communication in Geres Village Labuan Haji District was; How was the effect in using taboo language to society behavior in Geres Village Labuan Haji District. This research intended to describe the effect of using taboo language to society behavior in Geres Village Labuan Haji District. This research used approach qualitative with descriptive qualitative. There were 2 sources of data primer and secondary. The data collection was technique of observation, interview, and field note. To check the validity of data in this research was to renew the time of field observation, more observation and triangulation. There was analysis technique of data used data collection, data reduction, data presentation and taking conclusion. The conclusion of this study is that Geres Village people still use taboo language with regard to dangerous strengths, abstinence, prohibition, but related to manners, people who do not want to be considered impolite will avoid the use of taboo language in everyday life so that it affects the behavior of surrounding communities Geres Village.


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How to Cite
purnama, wawan mulyadi. (2020). ANALISIS BAHASA TABU DALAM TRADISI MASYARAKAT LOMBOK DI DESA GERES KECAMATAN LABUHAN HAJI. Al-Hikmah : Jurnal Studi Islam, 1(3), 10-21. Retrieved from

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