• Burhanuddin Institut Agama Islam Hamzanwadi NW Lombok Timur
Keywords: Fiqih, Iddah, Discrimination


               This study aims to find answers to iddah for women in Islamic fiqh, which is followed up with iddah for husbands in fiqh literature, gender perspective. In this study, the researcher used a type of library research, with a qualitative descriptive approach. While the application of iddah for husbands is currently general, and it is a primary need that has two benefits that run in balance between vertical and horizontal benefits. Considering that the iddah for the husband is not clearly covered in the sources of Islamic law, the normative support (al-Quran and Hadith) used is the universal aspect of the scope of meaning contained by the two sources. The result is a fight that ends in divorce or divorce. Although divorce itself is very hated by Allah SWT. Because the principle of marriage in Islam is committed to a relationship for an unlimited time. The term iddah existed before Islam came, but the practice of iddah at that time was very inhumane. In the sources of Islamic law, iddah includes obligations that must be carried out by women, if analyzed by gender analysis this clearly discriminates against women if the husband is not subject to the burden of iddah, the article is women today both have a big contribution to the progress of religion and the state. Indeed, the iddah for the husband has been introduced by scholars in the fiqh literature even though it is only limited to two conditions. Therefore, fiqh which is a representation of Islamic law needs to be reviewed to be synergized with the social conditions of the community, this is in line with the rule which says that legal changes are caused by changing situations and conditions.


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How to Cite
Burhanuddin. (2021). KONSEP IDDAH DALAM FIQIH ISLAM. Al-Hikmah : Jurnal Studi Islam, 1(4), 54-70. https://doi.org/10.51806/al-hikmah.v1i4.4318

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