• Nursyamsu Nuryamsu STAI darul Kamal NW


This article discusses the theme of isra'iliyyat and interpretation. After his death began the Prophet Muhammad, the interpretation of the Qur'an evolved from era Companions (sahabat), Successors (tabi’in) and then evolved to the next generation. One interpretation is that affect isra'iliyyat stories that come from Jews or Christians and others who converted to Islam either from past friends and Successors. Isra'iliyyat figures such as Abu Hurairah, Abdullah bin Salam, Munabbih and others, have a high science and tsiqoh pious, but there are many who doubt and did not rule out periwayatannya no negative impact on the interpretation of the Koran and Islamic understanding. Some isra'iliyyat story that goes on the interpretation of the Qur'an such as stories, yakjuj wa makjuj, ashab kahfi, about the Prophet Isha and Maryam, Ibrahim and Ismail and others. Tafseer of the Qur'an which contains stories Qurtubi isra'iliyyat such interpretation, Tabari, Ibn Kathir and others. Isra'iliyyat influence in the interpretation of the Qur’an also has influence among hedge controversial negatively to trust the people, there is also the opinion that the inclusion of isra'iliyyat in the interpretation of the Qur'an and hadith are not always negative, but add a science. 


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