Ahruf Sab’ah Dan Qiraat

  • Muhammad Imamul Umam MA Nurul Islam Tengaran


The set of knowledge used to understand the Qur'an is commonly called Ulumul Qur'an. Among those belonging to it is Qira'at Study, the outline is the science of reading. On this occasion, we will discuss a bit about Qira'at Study. Although, some scholars of the Qur'anic scholars have assumed that qiraat is an unattractive study, since this study is not in direct contact with the daily lives of Muslims. However, it is noteworthy that the extent to which the discourse qiraat able to give us benefits, especially related to the verses of the law and others. Therefore we need understanding, knowledge and matters concerning qiraat. Key Word: Al-Qur’an, Qira’at, Ahruf Sab’ah.

