• Siti Fauziah Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Adab IAIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten
  • Mohamad Rohman Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Adab IAIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten


In the Islamic  scientific tradition, sex  education is not new and taboo thing. Two sources of Islammic law, Alquran and al-Hadis commonly  talk about sex education. Sex education particularly is sistematic topic of the Islamic jurisprudence. The Islamic scientific traditions are a part that is not  separated in the curriculum of  traditional Islamic  educational institution (read : pesantren).Pesantren Bani Syafi’i in Cilegon, Banten has given sex education since the santri (students at tradisional muslim school) studied at pesantren. Their understanding of sex education is very good. The contents of sex education include cleanlinnes and purity. They are discuss about excrement; major ritual impurity and minor ritual impurity, istinjaa, ablution; bathing after doing something ritually impure; menstruation; parturition.  In this study the santri begin familiar with many  terms about sex, like anus,  penis, vagina, sperm, mazi, menstrual blood; postnatal hemorrhage, coitus, and etc. They also talk about baligh age of boy and  girl and  their characterization, and the aurat, right and obligation of a couple, the etics,  and even the coitus technique.Sex education done by Pesantren Bani Syafi’i is using two approaches. First, normative approach, that is in order the santri know which is good, and bad, and which is halal and haram.  Second, psycological approach, that the sex education synchronized with age dan intelectual ability of the santri. The orientation of  this education is the santri understand and responsible with their sexual life correctly. It is  a gate to high morality and legality in worship and as a  form of  obedient to Allah. Keywords: Pendidikan Seks, Tradisi, Pesantren Tradisional, Bani Syafi’i


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