• Nining Purwati Fakultas Tarbiyah IAIN Mataram


One of the aim of educations is to create Indonesian people to have varieties of competencies. Not only academic competency but also social competency. Cooperative learning is oriented to achieve academic competency and achieve the students’ social skill. Thus, its implantation can fulfill national education aim as stated above. However, the limited media and teaching materials frequently to become a problem at schools and at universities which cause the learning process can not give the good result.There fore a teacher should be able to overcome this problem by developing a learning module with containing of series of learning material and series of activities which can grow cooperation and students’ social skill. This essay gives one of the alternatives which can be developed namely learning module which oriented to cooperative learning that is cooperative script. This learning module developed and it is based on learning principle of cooperative script. Keywords: Pengembangan, Modul, Cooperative Script


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