• Muhammad Syarifudin Fakultas Tarbiyah IAIN Mataram


The missunderstanding towards the double system of education (PSG) will bring the hamful effect to achieve the purpose of education. However irronically it happens frequently in a cooperation between vocational school (SMK) with industies.Through PSG is earned obvious and useful skilll for students. Therefore, the success of psg has a great contribution for the quality development of SMK. The seriousness of teachers and instructors is the main indicator in learning process and it is the most important effort to achieve the purpose of PSG. The seriousness of teacher and instructor related to thier undetanding about PSG,Their motivation to PSG, their commitment to PSG, and their participation to PSG’s management. As a adviser, teacher and injstructor of psg is demanded to have the comprehenshive understanging about PSG. Keywords: PSG, SMK, Guru dan Instruktur


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