التعارف على الكتب الستة وكيف الإستفادة منها

  • Nurul Mukhlisin Asyrafuddin Program Studi PAI STAI Nurul Hakim Kediri Lombok Barat


In truth, Sunnah of prophet Muhammad  SAW is the second revelation after al qur’an . it is a revelation from god of Allah SWT such as al qur’an. Al qur’an is read  we will get reward and judged as the miracle. Sunnah of propet Muhammad SAW must be implemented and accepted like al qur’an. It is prohibited to differentiate between al qur’an and sunnah. Therefore, one of the methods of ahlusunnah makes sunnah in a worship problem, business and belief even though it is a hadits of  ahad.Collecting hadits is done after retiring the companions period by collecting some sanad to prophet Muhammad saw. The collection of hadits was on the glorious in the second and third of hijrah. One of the holly books of hadists which written at the time was shahih al bukhari  by Muhammad bin isma’il al bukhari (w. 259 ) and shahih Muslim written by Muslim Bin Al- Hajjaj an Naisaburi ( w. 261 ). And there are some the holly book of Sunan are sunan abu daud written by sulaiman bin al asy’at as- sajitani and it is more well known as abu daud ( w.275 ), sunan an – nasa’I written by ahmad bin syuaib an – nasa’I ( w. 303 ), sunan at- Tirmidzi written by Muhammad bin isa at-tirmidzi ( w. 279 ) and sunan ibnu majjah written by Muhammad bin yazid bin majjah al – qazwaini ( w. 273). The sixth of the holly books well known as kutubussitah.There is no difference among Muslim scholars that kuttubusittah has a high position as the source and the reference in Islamic law. Therefore,  some muslim scholars from the previous time till now on giving a high attention toward the holly books. It is done by arranging and selecting hadists, making their preview and explaining them and etc. this a simple research tries to introduce this kutubussitah from its aspects of the holly book, the writers, the edition and the method of the writers to arrange the holly books. الكلمات المÙتاحية: الكتب الستة، الاستÙادة


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