• Muhammad Akhyar Fadly Institut Agama Islam Qamarul Huda Bagu Lombok Tengah


In many cases, it was identified that the role of religion—particularly as a strategy to legitimize the struggle and mobilize mass support, very dominant. Several studies have found various radical action, violence and conflict in the world triggered by the actions and the concept of interpretation and understanding of religion, such as the dispute between the Catholic and Christian faiths in Northern Ireland; Bosnian Muslims, Orthodox Serbs and Catholic Croats in the Balkans; Tamil and Sinhalese in Sri Lanka; Christians and Muslims during the civil war in Lebanon; Sunni’s and Shi’ies in post-Saddam Iraq; including some cases in Indonesia. This phenomenon sparked interest in the authors to examine radicalism social science perspective with a focus on the concept of social action, the concept of interpretation and understanding (interpretative understanding or verstehen), which is realized through the actions of actors and understanding the motives of the action actor. From research using descriptive-analytic study concluded that the movement of religious radicalism and the like caused by dissatisfaction with individuals or groups who disguised by language and religious symbols and used to obtain political and economic power.Keywords: Radikalism, Ethnic cleasing, Islamic state, Modernization


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