• Muhammad Arfan Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Dakwah Musthafa Ibrahim Al-Ishlahuddiny Kediri Lombok Barat


Some of the excuses used Jemaah Islamiya in action fighting the infidels (non-Muslims) to carry out suicide bombings as a form of jihad main crux of the problem in this study. The review and analysis used by the philosophical approach of language, reviewed the ontological, epistemological, and axiological related to the exploitation of the texts of the Quran that is an attempt to understand, explain, and realize a claim means the language contained in the texts of the Quran and hadith. From this study, the following conclusions; first, indifference to the weakness affects comprehension of written language to those who think that the sacred texts (related to the issue of jihad fi sabilillah) was the final and most correct, and the assumption that they understand fully the meaning of the text. Second, the reluctance of understanding between the text and the context of the language gave rise to the feeling that they seemed to get a revelation of God in person and entitled to carry it out as it is.Keywords: Exploitation, Biblical, Jemaah Islamiya Indonesia, Philosophy of language


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