• Fathurrahman Fathurrahman Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Muhammadiyah Bima


This paper is going to explore the role of women in leadership (especially the leadership of the political sphere) through a historical approach, with a show at the time of the Prophet, companions and great dynasty period (Umawiyah, Abbasiyah, and Fathimiyah). In addition, this paper also shows the historical record of the emergence of theological argument about the role of women in the public sphere into the argument about women’s leadership as well as a basic Islamic concept of similarity values between women and men. In the historical literature, there are two major mainstream that discuss women’s rights came to the issue of leadership. The first assumption is that women do not deserve to be a leader because of the role and tasks have been confined to the domestic sphere. Secondly, it has been argued that since the beginning of the Qur’an affirm, encourage, and legitimize women to get involved and participate actively like men in the public sphere (politics) and domestic. The assessment concluded that there are certain periods of the history of Islam that Muslims once led by women (in the political leadership) whereby legitimize women’s leadership. Keywords: Women’s leadership, Hadits Abi Bakra, QS. Annisa: 34, Jawari


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