Kepemimpinan Politik Wanita Dalam Perspektif Fatima Mernissi

  • SITI ROBIKAH UIN Sunan Kalijaga
Keywords: Keyword: Hadis Missogini, Fatima Mernissi, Gender


Abstrac   Discourse on gender will often be discussed in academics, politicians and in people's daily lives. Gender conversations in the present era have involved Islamic thinkers to re-explore the treasures of Islamic thought to see the existence of gender discourse in Islam. In some traditions, if traced many traditions that discredit women. This is due to the understanding of textual hadith. Missoginis hadith, according to Fatima Mernissi, would result in a meaning that marginalized women. in analyzing the hadith, Fatima Mernissi has been critical, even for some of the leaders of Imam Bukhari whose credibility and authority are highly recognized. Mernissi criticized the first narrator that hadith experts overlooked and was considered the most trusted friend. In his research, Mernissi did not only examine the first narrators, but also examined the book Fathul Baari by al-Asqalani. Mernissi then explained that there was an imbalance of women in the misogynist Hadith because of the inconvenience of the first narrators.        


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