• Dwi Wahyudiati Fakultas Tarbiyah IAIN Mataram


The cohesiveness learning as a learning concept is a learning which gives the experience to the students so that  the learning materials given to them have more meaningful. It is stated that it is meaningful because   in this cohesiveness learning   the students will understand the concepts which they have leaned trough the direct experience and connect to the other concepts which have been there in their scheme. The willingness to the cohesiveness learning believed as an approach which orients to leaning practice with development appropriate practice for the students.  This approach was taken from a theory rejected “drill“ as the basic of knowledge  and students intellectual structure. Basically, The cohesiveness learning  is a learning system  which makes students, either individual or group are more possible   to  learn actively to search and find a concept and principle of science holistically, meaningful and authentic. The students’ characteristic on basic level  in elementary school are on a concrete operation phase, where in this phase the students begin to develop their ability to think and understand about their selves. In this situation, the teachers must be able to do their function and role as the subjects of learning.   When The teachers do a learning they should give the physic experience to the students as much as possible. Besides, the teachers should be more carefully when  talking and acting because they are influential for students.  In particular, in learning science especially for elementary students, it is always   connected to our environment   so that in learning process it not only considered from one lesson because it has correlation to the other on certain topic discussion or materials so that it is important to fuse at the same material. Thus,   teaching with  the cohesiveness learning   on the  sub of material which is presented could improve the learning result/mark of students. Keywords: Model Pembelajaran Terpadu, Pembelajaran, Siswa SD


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