Tentang Jurnal Ini

El-Hikam Journal (ISSN 1978-2152) is published by P2M STIT first Nurul Hakim (before it turns into P3M Nurul Hakim Islamic Institute) since Friday, March 21, 2008. And online publishing in 2015 (E-ISSN 2541-3465). El-Hikam journal contains articles results of research and analytical or critical studies in education and religion studies, in order to endeavor the development, exploration, and explanation of knowledge before the audience of educated people of Indonesia and the World. Those who are interested can apply for posts (articles) or the results of research to the Journal Editor & Administration El-Hikam in LP3M Institute of Nurul Hakim Jl. TGH. Abdul Karim 1 Kediri Lombok Barat NTB 83 362 | Tel. (0370) 6175357 Fax (0370) 6175387 email: redaksi@el-hikam.com or redaksi.elhikam@gmail.com