إدارة المكتبة لاستثارة دافعية الطلبة في الكتابة الأكاديمية العربية

  • Wira Purwata Fakultas Tarbiyah IAI Nurul Hakim Kediri Lombok Barat


Management is the way to reach something that haved dreamt by every body in this world. Some one who has good management in his life will can enjoy his life as enjoyable as. The instantion that has good management will become good and professional instantion. A library is kind of  intanstion who has  the important role to make smart person and to make some one to bee  good researcher and writer, especially in academic writing. The academic writing especially in paper and research needs the book of references that can help a writers or researchers to solve their problem in research. A library will not able to fullfill the researcher and writer needs of book references before applying good management. A good management can be reached if the function of management will be applied in a library. The function of management is planning, organzing, actuating and controlling. And a library can be called good library if it can apply all of management function and can motivate the student to write academic writing.  Keywords: Management, Library, Motivate, Academic Writing