• Akmaludin Sya'bani Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Mataram


This descriptive-analytic shows that the waqf (benefaction) managed traditionally been known as the growth of religious understanding, but lack of public understanding of the waqf as cash waqf (waqf an-nuqud) with the management of productive despite backed Act Number 41 / 2004 on Endowments and Government Regulation No. 42/2006 on the implementation of Law No. 41/2004, the main reason for this study. From the results of the study concluded that the cash waqf on a firmer footing, especially from the practice of waqf conducted Rasulullah. Compared with other waqf, in terms of benefit cash waqf is a positive effect on economic empowerment, and as one of the pillars of social welfare builders. As for the practical side, the investment return cash waqf can be channeled to support operational costs of educational institutions, health agencies, social agencies, and as a source of alternative funding for the program to improve the welfare of the people.Keywords: Wakaf uang, Cash waqf, Waqf an-nuqûd, Practice waqf


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