آراء إبرهيم أنيس عن أقسام الكلام العربي (دراسة نحوية)

  • Farihin Farihin Institut Agama Islam (IAI) Nurul Hakim Kediri Lombok Barat


Nahwu is the science that addresses final changes relating to i’rab sentence, sentence structure and form sentences nahwu science therefore also referred to as a science i’rab. Nahwu studies in science are very broad and not just talking about the formation of the word, but the most important studies in nahwu science is the study of the distribution of kalam. During this time the division of kalam is known is ism, fi’il, and hurf, according to experts nahwu earlier, but experts such modern nahwu Tammam Hassan, Mahdi Makhzumi, and Anis Ibrahim kalam split into some parts.This paper is one of the research literature that examines the modern expert opinion nahwu, Anis Ibrahim. From the results of the study concluded that Anis Ibrahim kalam or sentence that splits into four parts, namely ism, dhamir, fi’il and ‘adah. Of the division of kalam first Ibrahim Anis divide ism into three sections: ism ‘am, ism’ alm and shifat, then the division of kalam second is dhamir, Ibrahim Anis also divide dhamir into four sections, dhomair, lafadz isyarah, maushulat, and mashdar. The third part kalam by Anis Ibrahim is fi’il or verb and the division of the latter was ‘adah, intended as ‘adah is letters like the letter jarr, harf nafi, and letters istifham.Keyword: Al-Kalam, Ibrahim Anis, ‘ilmu Nahwu


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