أسس تصميم مادة تعليمية لتعليم مهارة الكلام

  • Nurlaila Nurlaila Institut Agama Islam (IAI) Muhammadiyah Ranggo Bima


Learning maharatul kalam for students who are not speakers of Arabic is not an easy thing. Besides teachers should always motivate, give attention and appreciation, teachers are also required to be able to design teaching materials in accordance with, the first principle of social and cultural matter that is designed referring to the Arab Islamic culture is also tailored to the needs and culture of the area students. The second principle of psychology that the material is designed according to the level of ability, intelligence and student characteristics. And the third principle of the language that the material should be broken Arabic fusha, preceded by the word or phrase that's not an alphabet, mufradat commonly used by the Arabs, the arrangement of appropriate science and administration by nahwu and sharf and error analysis. This will affect the adaptability of the students in understanding the subject matter and will be able to stimulate and encourage the students to express their thoughts by using Arabic is good and right. This review will discuss how to design learning materials for the Arabic speaking skills tailored to the social principles, principles of psychology and linguistic principles.Keywords: Maharatul kalam, Desain pembelajaran, Bahasa Arab


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