• Antoni Antoni Institut Agama Islam (IAI) Nurul Hakim Kediri Lombok Barat


In the perspective of Islamic economics, business practices are not just about cost-benefit basis material. The determinants of business success lie in the non-material things, principles and business strategies, good management, human resources professionals, as well as the attitude and behavior of the company. Islamic business practices true Muslim kaffah make man in carrying out Islam. Implementation of this concept is able to make the company competitive and fair and have a strong bid, unique and different. Both internally between the company and its employees. And externally, between company and consumers as well as competitors. Implementation of the concept of Islamic business done starting by establishing principles and business strategies, policy and operational measures, as well as communication and external relations are appropriate and aligned with the values of sharia. Business measures undertaken by the Trade Enterprises (UD) Toncell can be traced through the formulation of the vision, mission, goals, and objectives are based on sharia, the implementation of management functions based on sharia, and programs for the development of human resources, as well as a pattern of relationships public (PR) with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is Islamic.Keyword: Konsep Bisnis Syariah, Praktik Bisnis Syariah,


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