• Ahmad Zarkasyi Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Syariah (STIS) Miftahul Ulum Lumajang


The data is published by the world economic forum’s global competitiveness report 2014-2015. Stated that human resources in ASEAN member states have not reached the top ten yet. Malaysia and Indonesia are the largest Moslem country which has more responsibility in human resources competency development. Prof. Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas diagnoses that the lack of human resources competition due to there is no good attitude of Islam within the Islamic ummah against sciences. This article offers the concept of human resources development by using a humanism sufisktik approach. Humanism focuses award and the development potential of human nature, so manifest psychologically stable growth to the level of self – actualization. Sufi enhance the role of moral and psychological motivated by value al fadilah kamal an-nafs based on Islam. Sufistik humanism implies that the translation of humanizing meaning it must always be related to theological moral manners. By this approach, the expected Moslem human resources are able to competitive until becoming the leader who is not only in ASEAN but also on the scale of international.Keywords: Pengembangan SDM, Humanisme, Sufistik


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