• Lalu Sumardi Universitas Mataram
  • Rispawati Rispawati
  • M. Ismail


The purposes of this study are to know the ways, reasons, and impacts of completing academic tasks in certain ways, and how to overcome them. Data collection was done by documentation, think aloud, and focus group discussion (FGD). The analysis was performed with Glaser and Strauss models. The analysis results showed 91.1% of research subjects completed their academic tasks with copy-paste from the internet. The cause factors are; (1) within factor, that is poor mental attitude, such as lazy, hedonic, instant, and lack of awareness of the urgency of building mental structure and character. (2) external factor, that are information technology and the type of tasks assigned. It’s impacts are; (1) short-term impact, that are mastery of science just to the level of understanding (C2), the understanding is not complete and detaile, the material is not pushed into long terms memory, not linear and systematic thinking. (2) long-term impact, that are the mental structure is not fully developed and the mental attitude develops less well. The solution are; (1) an instrumental solution, which is to determine the reference, (2) a mental solution, which is to build awareness of the importance of scientific thinking and character


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