• Ahmad Ahmad STMIK Bumigora Mataram


The research was conducted with the aim to describe some of the things that include the application of the model ARIAS namely increased activity and student achievement after using the model ARIAS. ARIAS of learning model is a model of learning that first attempt at learning activities instill confidence / trust in students. Learning activities relevant to student life, trying to attract and maintain interest / attention of students. Then there was the evaluation and develop a sense of pride in students by providing reinforcement. The research used the design of Classroom Action Research study conducted with procedures 2 cycle consists of four stages, namely planning, implementation of the action, observation and reflection. The study subjects were 23 students in grade XA MA Putra Nurul Haramain. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, documentation, and test. The results with the application of learning models ARIAS showed that students' classroom activity XA MA Putra Nurul Haramain rose characterized by increased activity of the students cycle I 16.5  on the cycle II 19.5. In addition, the increase in student learning outcomes prior to the application of a model student for the material Arias logic value only reached an average of 50.5. whereas after the implementation of the learning model ARIAS student learning outcomes in the cycle I gained an average of 66.1 and then increased again in the second cycle an average of 76.43 this shows an increase in student achievement after the implementation of the learning model ARIAS


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