• Muhammad Masruron IAI Hamzan Wadi Pancor


This study aims to determine the factors that affect Customer Satisfaction in Murabahah. This type of research is quantitative descriptive field (field research). Quantitative method is a way or approach where the observed symptoms are analyzed with the help of statistics or figures and computer assistance with the program SPSS Version 20.0. Data analysis technique used is Multiple Linear Analysis. The number of samples as many as 50 people who are customers of BMT Al Hidayah. The results showed that the F test (simultaneous) F-count value of 3.064 while F table 2.79 ie (3,064> 2.79), it can be concluded that the value of f arithmetic is greater than the value of f table based on it then H0 rejected and Ha accepted meaning simultaneously murabahah contract consisting of product superiority (X1), trust (X2), and service (X3), have a significant influence on customer satisfaction (Y). As for t Test (partial) note that product superiority (X1) t-count (2,393)> t-table (0,279) or sig (0,021> 0,05). Trust (X2) t-count (1,107)> t-table (0.279) or sig (0.274> 0.05) and service (X3) t-count (0.940)> t-table (0.279) or sig (0.352 < 0.05). thus Ha is accepted and H0 is rejected. So it can be concluded there is partially significant influence consisting of product superiority (X1), trust (X2), and service (X3) to customer satisfaction (Y). The coefficient of determination (R2) produced shows that the value of R2 is 0.167. This gives meaning that as much as 16,7% variation of dependent variable change that is customer satisfaction in murabahah contract in BMT Al Hidayah Kotaraja can be explained by variation of independent variable, while the rest 83,3% influenced by variation of other variable not covered in regression model. The value of correlation coefficient is 0.408 which means the relationship between dependent variable with independent variable is very strong and positive.


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