تعليم القواعد النحوية في حلقة طاقال سكربيلا ماتارام نوسا تنجارى الغربية

  • Miftahuddin Miftahuddin Institut Agama Islam Nurul Hakim Kediri Lombok Barat


On the island of Lombok, there is a place that runs nahwu grammar learning program with a simple and unique models, this program is called with the recitation Tokol (halaqoh Tokol). This Halaqoh, according to the common view of Lombok population.having an urgency that is very significant. Is become Islamic demand media, and become a place of learning in non-formal nahwu grammar. In addition it became a flagship program favourite and interest among the people of Lombok, in the study of science as well as the media nahwu silaturrahmi to build Ukhuwah Islamiyah and familiarity between teachers and students, and among some students with other students. As the researcher now, that this program is extraordinary, and includes part of       the Islamic culture khozanan. contained in Lombok that has been passed by the previous scholars from generation to generation, and by saving researcher ought to be considered and studied as well documented. Therefore, the researcher in this research theme under the title " learning Arabic grammar in Halaqoh Tokol Sekarbela Mataram West Nusa Tenggara." Results of this study : (1) halaqoh Tokol are non-formal institutions built on sincerity and constancy, and the purpose is understand and studied nahwu (2) the matters of nahwu annazori includes learning matters, and didn’t use the book learning. It can be seen from the books are studied. (3) evaluation applied to This halaqoh, more directed to the summative and reality evaluation.


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