• Sahrizal Fahlawi Institut Agama Islam Nurul Hakim Kediri Lombok Barat
  • Muhammad Sobri Universitas Mataram
Kata Kunci: Religiosity, teacher, development, student


Religiosity is a religious expression that is shown by a person in daily life. That expression will be seen in the mindset, lifestyle, words, association, and all parts of his life. With religiosity a person keep in touch with other because in it there are values that respect and glorify each other. In Islam religiosity is known as pious. SMK Anak Bangsa as one of the educational institutions in Indonesia also develops a religious attitude / religiosity for their students. This can be seen from the programs that have been run so far. The religious attitude at SMK Anak Bangsa will be seen in the aspects of faith, morals, and sharia where the three aspects are the embodiment of the dimensions of belief (ideological), dimensions of religious practice (ritualistic), dimensions of experience (experiential), dimensions of religious knowledge (intellectual), and the dimensions of practice (consequential). Religiosity is used to overcome frustration, to maintain the morality and order of the community, to satisfy intellectuals who want to know, and to overcome fear. There are several factors that affect relgiosity, among others: social factors, experience factors, unmet needs factors, intellectual factors. While the media to bring religiosity to a person can be done through several ways such as: worship, repentance, sincerity, patience, thanksgiving, resignation, pleasure, king ’, and khauf.


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