• Wildan SE, Sy., MM Institut Agama Islam Qomarul Huda Bagu
Keywords: Distribution, Cooperatives, Micro, Small and medium businesses.


Abstract Cooperative play important roles in the indonesian economy .Aims to prosper member cooperatives .Growing increase the participation of members of a cooperative by doing good management and distribution of funds could increase income and smoothly so that micro business , small and medium . Depart from the background that theses would influence the management and distribution of its fund to micro business, cooperative small and medium enterprises. Synthesis problem in this research is how the influence of the management of funds from cooperatives bmt maslahah sidogiri pasuruan, against revenue micro business small and medium?How the influence of the distribution of funds from cooperatives bmt maslahah sidogiri pasuruan, against revenue micro business small and medium?Which do the dominant influence that between the distribution and management of funds against revenue micro business small and medium? The method of analysis the data used was quantitative analysis by the use and test the validity of reliability test , classical test the assumption , test f , a coefficient , test t and linear regression analysis using variables dumy . Data collection techniques with a method of the questionnaire , the interview , documentation .The sample used in this survey respondents were 26 from a population of 160 respondents . Of the results of the analysis known that there are significant influence on the management of the funds from bmt maslahah sidogiri significant against earnings micro business , small and medium , this means getting better and better management of the funds that can be of bmt maslahah sidogiri , the more one is the raising of revenue micro business , small and medium . The distribution of funds obtained from bmt maslahah sidogiri influential against earnings micro business small and medium.In other words that are getting better and effective distribution of funds from bmt maslahah sidogiri, the more the raising of revenue micro business small and medium. Between two variables ( management and distribution of funds which have a dominant influence on micro business income , small and medium is variable fund management .


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