Mengejawantahkan Maqosid As-Shari’ah Dalam Mengelola Pendidikan Islam

Bahasa Indonesia

  • Mastur Mastur
Keywords: Maqosyid as-Shari’ah, management of Islamic education


In accordance with the objectives of Islamic teachings (Maqo> s} id as-Shari'ah), Islamic education must be able to direct and regulate the goals of the values ​​taught by Islam. Related, the management of Islamic education must be able to respond to the objectives of Islam as a religion that protects and keeps its adherents from adversity in daily life. Islamic education management must be able to create a mappingsystem in regulating the educational process that is in accordance with the great goals of Islamic shari'at.   The problem of the management of Islamic education today is to move away from the goal of Islam as a religion that governs the lives of its adherents. That is, the management of Islamic education is not in harmony with the manifestations of maqo> s} id shari> ’ah which is sourced from divine revelation. Manifestation of the management of Islamic education and Maqo> s} en Shari> ’ah namely conformity and harmony between; head (knowledge), heart (morals) and hand (skills). The management of Islamic education in its conceptual and application aspects, needs to formulate these three aspects systematically, so that they are in accordance with Islamic values. The purpose of Islamic education is part of the universal goals of Islam such as aspects of humanity, preservation and preservation of the natural environment and aspects of life. Islamic education is a balance between the self aspects of each individual who has a soul and reason with social conditions in the long run. Thus management in the world of Islamic education must be in line with the principles of Maqo> sid Shari> 'ah. Based on the reality of Islamic society which tends to be dynamic in all aspects, the management of Islamic education needs to implement Maqo> sid Shari> 'ah as a perspective in managing governance in the world of Islamic education. Maqo> sid Shari> 'ah in its development was able to enter all scientific disciplines, including the field of management of Islamic education.


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How to Cite
Mastur, M. (2020). Mengejawantahkan Maqosid As-Shari’ah Dalam Mengelola Pendidikan Islam: Bahasa Indonesia. Jurnal Elkatarie : Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Dan Sosial, 3(1), 275-293.