Menelisik Konsep Pendidikan Jerman dan Australia sebagai Benchmarking Pendidikan di Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia

  • Suyadi Suyadi
Keywords: Kualitas, Penelitian, Adaptif


Many factors influence education, of course it is possible if there is a difference in quality both between institutions and even between countries. It is this difference that triggers researchers to conduct research while at the same time comparing the differences through several influencing factors. The method used is literature study from various sources, both online and offline. The final objective of this comparison is to analyze the opportunities that the existing education systems in these two countries can adopt in the education system in Indonesia. Germany and Australia are known as adaptive countries in terms of differences of thought, especially in the implementation of their education policies. The researcher deliberately chose Germany and Australia as a comparison because both countries have an appropriate education system to be developed in Indonesia


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How to Cite
Suyadi, S. (2020). Menelisik Konsep Pendidikan Jerman dan Australia sebagai Benchmarking Pendidikan di Indonesia: Bahasa Indonesia. Jurnal Elkatarie : Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Dan Sosial, 3(2), 420-438. Retrieved from