Urgensi Pola Asuh Guru Dalam Membentuk Akhlak Anak Usia Dini

Bahasa Indonesia

  • Mukhtar Mukhtar
Kata Kunci: Parenting, Teacher, Morals


Morals are very important, it is a marker that a person is worthy or not worthy to be called human, because it's moral education is the most important field of education in general and even the purpose of education is to humanize humans. Therefore, in educational institutions, both formal and informal development of good moral values and religious occupies one of the tasks of an institution including Education Kindergarten (TK) which at this time is a time to lay the first foundation in developing physical abilities, cognitive, language, social emotional, self-concept, self-discipline, self-reliance, artistic, moral and religious values. Therefore, it needs educators who have souls and religious educators, so that all movements to be an example and mirror for their students


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